Python Portfolio

This post is a portfolio of Python-related work I have completed up to August 2022.

ImageToRecipe: Fetching relevant recipes from images

  • Builds on the techniques I used for FunTech
    • NLTK for text preprocessing
    • pyLDAvis for LDA analysis using food image titles and recipe titles
  • PyTorch to create Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) classifier, taking in recipe information and outputting image data


VGGNet, a type of CNN, used for ImageToRecipe
VGGNet, a type of CNN, used for ImageToRecipe. We specifically used the VGG-16 version

Results of ImageToRecipe in Grid format
Results of the ImageToRecipe on test dataset

Matplotlib visualization of ImageToRecipe dataset using pyLDAvis
Matplotlib visualization of ImageToRecipe dataset using pyLDAvis

FunTech: Sentiment analysis of Fed statements

  • Selenium + BeautifulSoup to make a web crawler for relevant information regarding Fed statements, including meeting agendas, meeting proceeds, and Blue Books / Teal Books
  • NLTK for text preprocessing, including n-gram analysis, viterbi word splitting, and part of speech (POS) labeling to correct potential misformatting of text and filter out unwanted parts of text
  • pyLDAvis to perform Latent Dirichlet Allocation, a topic modeling machine learning algorithm, of cleaned text and create matplotlib visualizations of the topics


CoronaDigest: A personal COVID 19 dashboard

  • gensim to aggregate COVID-19 related news using text summarization algorithms
  • Python requests to pull stock activity in real-time via APIs
  • Used matplotlib + seaborn to create 3D globe visualization of COVID activity
  • Flask + MongoDB for full-stack web application


Home page of CoronaDigest, my project for HooHacks 2020
Home page of CoronaDigest, my project for HooHacks 2020

3D globe visualization
3D Globe visualization made with matplotlib + seaborn

CreatingTheNext: Tracking unemployment patterns

  • Used matplotlib to make unemployment graphs
  • Flask for simple web interface


Matplolib line graphs to show unemployment data
Matplolib line graphs visualizing unemployment trends